Transition Networks MIL-SM2401MAF
24-Hour Technical Support: 1-800-260-1312 International: 00-1-952-941-7600
Pin Signal / Name
1 RX+ / VCC -
2 RX- / VCC -
3 TX+ / VCC +
4 NC
5 NC
6 TX- / VCC +
7 NC
8 NC
When the PD device pin out is in MDI mode without bridge circuit function,
please use the crossover cable for power and data transmission. Please refer to
the above table for the pin out transform.
(VCC-) 1 1 (VCC+)
(VCC-) 2 2(VCC+)
(VCC+) 3 3(VCC-)
(VCC+) 6 6(VCC-)
MDI-X MDI w/o bridge circuit
When the PD device is in MDI mode with bridge circuit function, the straight
forward and crossover cable both workable for power and data transmit. Please
refer to the above table for the pin out antithesis.
(VCC-) 1 1 (VCC+)
(VCC-) 2 2(VCC+)
(VCC+) 3 3(VCC-)
(VCC+) 6 6(VCC-)
MDI-X MDI w/ bridge circuit