Transition Networks MIL-SM2401MAF
24-Hour Technical Support: 1-800-260-1312 International: 00-1-952-941-7600
UPS information: The information will be available when the UPS is connected to
the switch and the connection is normal and UPS is powered on.
button to refresh.
Input Voltage: Displays the current value, minimum, and maximum value of
UPS input voltage.
Output Voltage: Displays the current value, minimum, and maximum value
of UPS output voltage.
Frequency: Display the frequency value of UPS.
Battery Capacity: Displays the battery capacity of UPS.
UPS Overload: Displays the overload capacity of UPS.
Temperature: Displays the current temperature of UPS.
RatVoltage: Displays Range of the UPS voltage.
RatBtyVoltage: Displays Range of the UPS battery voltage.
RatCurrent: Displays Range of the UPS current.
RatFrequency: Displays Range of the UPS frequency.
Model: Model name of the UPS.
Version: UPS internal software version.
PoE Status
View PoE port information and set configuration to each port.
The figure represents the UPS status, when the status has
been detected; the figure color will change from yellow to red
and the status description will change, too.