Transition Networks MIL-SM2401MAF
24-Hour Technical Support: 1-800-260-1312 International: 00-1-952-941-7600
Negotiation: Displays the Auto Negotiation mode. Config column means that its
value was configured by the user. Actual means the current value of the port.
Speed Duplex: Displays port connection speed. Config column means that its
value was configured by the user. Actual means the current value of the port.
Flow Control: Displays the Flow Con trol status in full mode. Config column
means that its value was configured by the user. Actual means the current value
of the port.
Back Pressure: Displays the Back Pressure status. Config column means that its
value was configured by the user. Actual means the current value of the port.
Bandwidth: Displays the in and out bandwidth of each port.
Priority: Displays the port static priority status.
Security: Displays the port security status.
Port Status interface