Transition Networks MIL-SM2401MAF
24-Hour Technical Support: 1-800-260-1312 International: 00-1-952-941-7600
System Description: Displays the description of the switch.
Firmware Version: Displays the Firmware version of the switch.
Kernel Version: Displays the Kernel Software version.
Hardware version: Displays the Hardware version of the switch.
MAC Address: Displays the unique hardware address assigned by manufacturer
Module: The module information. If the modules are not installed in the switch,
this column will not be displayed.
Switch basic setting interface
Enable MAC Address Aging Out: Tick the check box to enable MAC
address aging out function.
Age-out Time: Key in the number of seconds that an inactive dynamic MAC
address remains in the switch's address table. The valid range is from 300 ~
765 seconds. The default value is 300 seconds.
Max Bridge Transmit Delay Bound: Limit the packets queuing time in the
switch. If the delay bound is set, the packets exceeding the queue time will be
dropped. The valid values are 1sec, 2 sec, 4 sec, and off.