TV-IP512P ProView PoE Internet Camera
If you want to enable the
UPnP port forwarding
To enable UPnP port forwarding, tick the Enable UPnP port forwarding checkbox. Enabling UPnP port forwarding allows the camera to add a port forwarding entry to be added to your router automatically.
If your network uses different port numbers for External HTTP and External RTSP type in the values used by your network in the External HTTP port and External RSTP port fields.
For PPPoE client Internet access, tick the Enable PPPoE checkbox and enter the user name and password used for the PPPoE connection. Click the OK button at the bottom of the web page to apply the PPPoE account settings.
If a Dynamic DNS account has been setup, use the DDNS menu to enter account information.
DDNS menu
Click the Enable DDNS option and enter DDNS account information in the available entry fields. Click the OK button at the bottom of the web page to apply the DDNS configuration.
Port Detail
Use the Port Detail Settings menu to change the port used for HTTP web access or RSTP streaming access to the camera’s video output.
Port Detail settings menu