Advanced Features
The "DMZ PC" is effectively outside the Firewall, mak- ing it more vulnerable to attacks. For this reason, you should only enable the DMZ feature when required.
URL Filter
If you want to limit access to certain sites on the Internet, you can use this feature. The URL filter will check each Web site access. If the address, or part of the address, is included in the block site list, access will be denied.
On the Advanced Internet screen, select the desired setting:
•Disable - disable this feature.
•Block By Schedule - block according to the settings on the Schedule page.
•Block Always - allow blocking all of the time, independent of the Schedule page.
Click the Configure URL Filter button to open the URL Filter screen, allowing you to create or modify the filter strings which determine which sites will be blocked.
URL Filter Screen
This screen is displayed when the Configure URL Filter button on the Advanced Internet screen is clicked.
Figure 26: URL Filter Screen
Data - URL Filter Screen
Current Filter Strings
Current Filter Strings
The list contains the current list of items to block.
•To add to the list, use the "Add" option below.
•To delete an entry, select it and click Delete button.
•To delete all entries, click the Delete All button.