DSM 132/132RS Receiver User Guide 11
Welcome 1
This manual describes how to install and configure the DSM™ 132
receiver. It provides guidelines for using the AgRemote utility to view
and configure receiver DGPS and communication operating
parameters. The manual also provides guidelines for connecting the
receiver to a variety of external devices, information about NMEA
messages supported by the receiver, and pin-out diagrams for data
cable connections.
Even if you have used other Global Positioning System (GPS)
products before, Trimble recommends that you spend some time
reading this manual to learn about the special features of this product.
If you are not familiar with GPS, go to the Trimble website
(www.trimble.com) for an interactive look at Trimble and GPS.
1.1 Related Information
Other sources of related information are:
• Release notes – the release notes describe new features of the
product, information that is not included in the manuals, and
any changes to the manuals. You can download release notes
from the Trimble website.