DSM 132/132RS Receiver User Guide 17
Overview 2
22.2 Standard Features DSM 132RS
A DSM 132RS system provides all the features of the DSM 132 except:• the L1 Geodetic antenna with ground plane is supplied• the 30 meter antenna cable is supplied• the RTCM SC-104 output (base station corrections) is available22.3 Receiver enhancements
Table2.1 lists the receiver options that you can purchase with the DSM 132 receiver.Table 2.1 Receiver enhancement options
Option (PN) Description Use
Base Station
Outputs RTCM differential
corrections. (This option is installed
in the DSM 132RS.)
If a radio link is attached, enables the
receiver to broadcast corrections for
use by other DGPS receivers. This
provides submeter positioning.
Reduces multipath interference.
(This option is installed in receivers
with firmware version 1.73 and
Improves DGPS receiver accuracy.
Flow Control
Provides hardware flow control When attached to third-party modems,
provides RTS/CTS flow control for
correct operation.