5 Configuring the Receiver
54 DSM 132/132RS Receiver User Guide
5.1 Introduction
The Display Options, Satellite Differential Source, and Port
Communication parameters must be specific to your particular use, so
they are not preset. You only need to configure the receiver once, as
the settings you choose are saved to permanent memory.
BTip – Refer to Appendix D, Navigation Maps while navigating the
DSM 132 menu system.
To change the receiver configuration settings, connect the receiver to
AgRemote. For more information, see Getting Started, page35
The following sections describe how to change the receiver settings.
5.2 Display Options
Use the Display Options menu to control how information is displayed
in the screens that you can access from the Field Operations, Status
and Configuration menus.
To view the Display Options menu:
•From the Home screen (see page46), press 2: