lVlantenimientodel motor

Consulte el manual del operario del motor para las instrucciones dec6mo manteneradecuadamenteel motor.


Eviteel contacto prolongado o repetido de piel con aceite usado de motor.

Elaceiteusadodelmotorhasidomostradoalcancerdelapiel delacausaenciertosanimalesdellaboratorio.

CompletamentelavadoexpusoAreascon eljab6ny elagua.





Despuesde cadauso

No deberAhaber agua en la unidad por largosperiodos de tiempo. Los sedimentos de mineralesse pueden depositar en partes de la bombay "congelar" su funcionamiento. Lleve a cabo estos procedimientos despu6sde cada uso:

1.Pareel motor, cierre la alimentaci6n de agua, apunte con la pistola rociadora hacia una direcci6n segura y apriete el gatillo paradescargar la presi6n, active el seguro del gatillo de la pistola rociadora y dejeenfriar el motor.

2.Desconecte manga de] fusil de] rocio y salida alta de presi6n en la bomba. Desag_ieaguade la manga, de] fusil, y de la extensi6n de boquilla. Use un harapo para quitar la manga.

3.Saquetodos los liquidos de la bomba halando la manija de retroceso aproximadamente6 veces. Esto deberA evacuarla mayoria del liquido de la bomba.

4.Almacene la unidad en una Area limpiay seca.

5.Si planeaalmacenar la unidad por mAs de30 dias, vea la secci6n Almacenamiento Prolongado en pr6xima pAgina.



gasolina Y sus vapores son extremadamente


inflamables y explosivos.

quemadurasseverasEl fuego o una explosi6ninclusivepuedenlacausarmuerte.



Almacene alejado de calderas,estufas, calentadores de agua, secadoras de ropa u otros aparatos electrodom_sticos que posean pilotos u otras fuentes de ignici6n, porque ellos pueden encender los vapores de la combustible.



Elchorro de aguaa alta presi6n que este equipo produce, puede atravesar la piel y los tejidos subcutAneos,provocando lesionesde gravedad


que podrian dar lugar a la amputaci6n de un

Lapistola rociadoracontieneaguaa alta presi6n inclusocon el motor paradoy el agua

desconectada,que puedecausarlaherida.

,Mantengaconectadala manguerala mAquinao a lapistolade rociadocuandoelsistemaest_presurizado.

SIEMPREquepareel motor,apunteconlapistolarociadora haciaunadirecciOnseguray aprieteelgatilloparadescargarla presi6ny evitarel retrocesoActiveel. segurodelgatillocuando no utilicelapistola.


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Troy-Bilt 203779GS manual LVlantenimientodel motor, Despuesde cadauso, Inflamables y explosivos

203779GS specifications

The Troy-Bilt 203779GS is a versatile and efficient garden tiller designed to make soil preparation easy and effective. Built with durability and performance in mind, this tiller is perfect for both amateur gardeners and experienced horticulturists.

One of the key features of the Troy-Bilt 203779GS is its powerful engine. It comes equipped with a reliable 205cc engine, providing ample power to tackle tough soil conditions. This engine ensures that users can till through compacted or rocky soil without worrying about stalling or overheating. The tiller's ability to churn through various soil types makes it an ideal choice for home gardens, landscaping projects, and larger agricultural tasks.

Another significant characteristic of the 203779GS is its tilling width and depth. This model features a generous tilling width of 18 inches, allowing for efficient coverage of larger areas in fewer passes. Additionally, it offers a tilling depth of up to 6 inches, which is sufficient for most gardening needs, including seedbed preparation and mixing in compost or fertilizers.

The Troy-Bilt 203779GS utilizes a unique rear-tine design. This configuration provides better control and maneuverability while tilling, making it easier to navigate around established plants or garden beds. The rear-tine setup also enables more efficient tilling, as the tines pull the machine forward, reducing operator effort.

For enhanced durability and ease of use, the tiller is equipped with harden steel tines. These tines are designed to break up soil effectively and withstand the wear and tear of regular use. The Troy-Bilt 203779GS also features adjustable tines, allowing users to customize the tilling depth according to their specific gardening needs.

User comfort is a priority with this model. It includes ergonomic handles that provide a comfortable grip, reducing strain on the hands and arms during extended use. The adjustable handle height further ensures that users of various heights can operate the tiller comfortably.

In conclusion, the Troy-Bilt 203779GS is a robust and efficient garden tiller, characterized by its powerful engine, wide tilling capabilities, and user-friendly features. Whether you are preparing a small home garden or managing a larger landscape, this tiller is equipped to meet the demands of any gardening enthusiast. With its reliable performance and thoughtful design, it stands out as a worthy investment.