
Tocreateaterrace,startat the top of the slopeandwork down.Gobackandforth acrossthe first r0was shownin Fig.4-!0.

Eachsucceedinglowerterraceisstartedbywalkingbelowtheterraceyou'repre- paring. Foraddedstabilityof thetiller,alwayskeepthe uphillwheelinthe soft, new-

ly tilled soil. Do not till the last 12"or more of the downhill outsideedgeof each terrace. This untilled strip helps preventsthe terracesfrom breaking apart and




Thetines havea self-clearingaction which eliminatesmost tangling of debris in thetines. However,occasionallydry grass,stringy stalksor tough vinesmaybe- cometangled. Followthese proceduresto helpavoid tangling andto cleanthe tines, if necessary.

To reducetangling, set the depth regulator deep enoughto get maximum "chopping"actionasthe tines chop the materialagainstthe ground. Also,try to till undercrop residuesor covercropswhile theyaregreen,moist andtender.

While powercomposting,try swayingthe handlebarsfrom sideto side (about 6"to 12"). This 'ffishtailing"action oftenclearsthe tines of debris.

If tanglingoccurs, liftthe tinesout of the soiland runthetiller in reverse(if unit is equippedwith poweredreverse) for a fewfeet. This reversingactionshould unwinda gooddealof debris.

It maybenecessaryto removethe debrisby hand (a pocketknifewill helpyou to cut awaythe mate- rial). Besure to stop the engineand disconnectthe spark plugwire beforeclearingthe tines by hand.






tines by hand, Stopthe engine,allow





all moving partsto stop and



disconnect the spark plug wire.



Removethe ignition keyon electric


start models.




Failureto follow this warning could


in personal injury.



Usesturdy rampsand manually(engine

tiller aheadof you. Havea Personat each



shut off) roll the tiller into and out of the

side to turn the wheels.





vehicle. Twoor more peopleare neededto


When going down ramps, walk back








Unloadingthe tiller into a


The ramps must be strong enough to

alert for any obstacles behindyou. Posi-


vehicle is potentially hazardous

support the combined weight of the tiller

tion a person at each wheelto control the


and we don'trecommend doing

and any handlers. The ramps should pro-

speed of the tiller. Nevergo down ramps


so unlessabsolutely necessary,

vide goodtraction to preventslipping; they

tiller-first, as the tiller could tip forward.


asthis could result in personal

should have side rails to guidethe tiller


Placewooden blocks onthe downhill


injury or property damage,

alongthe ramps; and they should have a

side of the wheels if you needto stop the


However,if you must load or

locking deviceto secure them to the

tiller from rolling down the ramp. Also,


unloadthe tiller, follow tbe


usethe blocksto temporarily keepthe tiller


guidelines given next.

The handlersshouldwearsturdy footwear


• Before loading or unloading,stoptheen_



gine, wait for all parts to stop moving,

Position the loading vehicle so that the

in the vehicle.


disconnect the spark plug wire and let the

ramp angle is as flat as possible (the less

After loadingthe tiller, Preventit from

engineand muffler cool.


incline to the ramp, thebetter). Turn the

rolling by engagingthe wheels in the

• The tiller is too heavyand bulky to lift

vehicle'sengine off and apply its parking

WHEELDRIVEposition. Chockthe wheels

safely by one person. Two or more people brake,

with blocks andsecurelytie the tiller down.

should share the load.


When going up ramps, stand in the







normal operating position and push the





Page 16
Image 16
Troy-Bilt 630CN manual Thetiller, TerraceGardening