Stoppingthe Engineand Tiller

1.Tostop the wheelsandtines, releasethe ForwardClutch Bail(all models) or the Re- verse Clutch Control (Models 634F and 634B) -- whichever control is in use.

2.To stop the engine, put the ignition switch and/or the throttle control lever in the "OFF"or "STOP" position.


Thefollowing operating instructions pro- vide guidelines to using your tiller effec- tively and safely. Besure to read Tilling Tips & Techniques in this Section before actually putting the tines into the soil.

NOTE:This isa traditional "Standard-Ro- tating-Tine" (SRT)tiller with forward ro- tating tines. It operatescompletely differently from "Counter-Rotating-Tine" (CRT)tillers or from front-tine tillers.

1.Followthe Pre-Start Checklist at the beginning of this Section. Besure that the wheelsare in the WHEELDRIVEposition.

2.Movethe Depth RegulatorLeverall the way down, so that the tines clear the ground. Usethis position when practicing with the tiller and when traveling between tilling sites. Before actually tilling, move the lever to the desired depth setting (see Tilling Tips & Techniques).

3.Start engine and allow itto warm up. Then put throttle in "FAST"setting.

4.For forwardmotion of the wheels and tines:

(a) Pull ForwardClutch Bail (Fig. 4-1) up againsthandlebar. Releasebailto stopfor- ward motion of wheels andtines.

(b)When tilling, relax and let the wheels pull the unit while the tines dig. Walk be- hindand a little to oneside of the unit. Use one hand, yet keepa light--but secure-- grip on the handlebar(while keeping your arm loose). SeeFig. 4-2. Let the unit move at its own paceand do not push down on the handlebarsto try and force the tines to dig deeper --this takes weight off the wheels, reduces traction, and caus- es the tines to try and propel the tiller.

WARNING: Do not push

down onthe handlebarsto try to makethe tiller till more deeply. This preventsthe wheelsfrom holding the tiller backand canallow the tines to rapidly propelthe tiller forward, which could result in loss of control, property damage,or personal injury.

5.For reverse motion of the wheelsand tines (Models 634F/634Bonly):

(a) Look behindandexercisecaution when operating in reverse. Do not till while in reverse.

(b)Stop all forward motion. Lift handle- bar with one handuntil tines are off the ground and then pull Reverse Clutch Con- trol knob out (seeFig. 4-3). To stop revers- ing, let go of ReverseClutch Control knob.

(b)Swing the handlebarto the left so the right wheel takesa "step" backward. Next swing the handlebarto the right so the left wheel"steps" backward. Repeatas needed.

(c)If longer distances needto becovered in reverse,shut off the engine, then place the two wheels in FREEWHEEL.

7.To Turn the Tiller Around:

(a)Practice turning the tiller in a level, open area. Bevery carefulto keepyour feetand legs awayfrom the tines.

(b)To begina turn, lift the handlebarsuntil thetinesareout ofthe groundandtheengine andtines are balancedoverthe wheels(Fig. 4-4).

(c)With tiller balanced,push sidewayson handlebarto steer in direction of turn (Fig. 4-5). After turning, slowly lower tines into soil to resumetilling.

Fig.4_4: Tobeginturn,lift handlebarsuntil tinesareoutofgroundandunitis balanced.

Fig.4-5:Withtinesoutofground,pushhan- dlebarssidewaysto turntiller.

Fig. 4-3: Raisetinesoffgroundandlook behindwhenmovinginreverse.

6. To movethe Model 630C in reversefor short distances:

(a) Releaseforward Clutch Bail. Then lift

Fig.4-2:Useonehandtoguidetiller when handlebaruntil tines areoff the ground. movingforward.


1.To stop the wheels and tines, release the ForwardClutch Bail (all models) or the ReverseClutch Control (Models 634F and 634B) --whichever control is in use.

2.To stop the engine, put the ignition switch and/or the throttle control lever in the "OFF"or "STOP" position.


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Troy-Bilt 630CN manual Operatingthe Tiller, Stoppingthe Engineand Tiller, StoppingtheTillerandEngine