PowerComposting |
Powercompostingsimply meanstillingunderand burying in thesoil all mannerof organic | WARNING: | When power | |
mattersuchas crop residues,leaves,grassclippingsandcovercrops. This materialwill de- | composting, do not keepthe | ||
composeduring the | DepthRegulator Leverat a | ||
Thefirst placeto beginis with crop residuessuchasleftovervines,stalks,stemsand roots, | deepsetting if the tiller jumps | ||
Powercompostthesecrop residuesas soon astheyfinish bearing.Thesoonerthis isdone, | or bucks. |
| |
the better,astendergreenmatter is easierto till under. Usethe deepestdepth regulatorset- | If jumping or bucking occurs, | ||
ting possiblewithout causingthe engineto laboror the tiller to jump ahead, | move the DepthRegulator | ||
| Leverdown to ashallow | |
Standingcornstalksof reasonableheight can bepowercomposted.Pushing over (but not | setting andthen slowly | ||
uprooting) cornstalkswill oftenmake it easierto chop upthe stalks.Keepthe tines clearof |
| |
excessivetangling by ,fishtailing"or frequentlyusing reverse.MakeseveralPaSSeS,then re- | increasethe tilling depth or} | ||
turn a fewdays ater to f nsh off any reman ngstubbe | later passes. | ,,._..... :__ | |
^:,..... ,^,,^. | |||
| FaHu_uLU/UIIUW | tl I1:_ W_/llllly |
Aftertilling undercrop residues,addmoreorganicmattersuchasleaves,grassclippingsand | could result in personal injury. | ||
evenkitchenscraps. Whentilled intothe soil,this organicmatterwill decomposeandadd |
| |
evenmore important nutrientsto the soil. |
Afterpowercomposting,you maywantto planta "greenmanure"covercrop to protectthe soil duringthe
Tilling OnSlopes
Readthe following recommendati_ns beforetilling on slopes: | /% | WARNING: | Do not | |
If you must gardenon a moderateslope,pleasefollow two very _mportantgmdelmes: | ||||
| operatetiller on aslope too | |||
1. Til!only on moderatemodes,neveron steepgroundwherefooting s difficult ! "eviewsafe- |
| steel_for safe operation. Till | ||
ry rules {nSection]: Safetyof this manuai). |
| slowly and besure you have | ||
2. We recommendtilling upan{] clownslopes ratherthan terracing. Tilling verticallyon a |
| good footing. Neverpermit | ||
| tiller to freewheel down | |||
slopeallowsmax{mutt plantingareaand also leavesroom for cultivating. |
| |||
slopes. Failureto followthis
IMPORTANT:Whentilling on slopes besurethe correct oil levelis maintainedinthe engine | warning could result in | |
personal injury. | ||
awayfrom its normal leveland this canstarve enginepartsof requiredlubrication. Keeothe | ||
| ||
motoroH_evmat the full point at a!l times! |
| |
Tilling Up and DownSlopes [Vertical Tilling) |
•To keepsoil erosionto a minimum, besureto addenoughorganicmakerrerne SOilso that d
•Whentilling vertically,try to makethe first pass. _hillas the tiller digs moredeeplygoing uphillthan it does downnm. In soft soil or weees,you mayhaveto lift the handlebarssbghtlywhile goinguphill. When goingdownhill,overlapthe first passbyabout
Tilling AcrossSlopesWithout UsingTerraces(HorizontalTilling)
•f vertical or terracinggardeningaren'tpracticalfor you,then you cantill laterallyacrossa slope. We don'trecommendthis methodas t can createunsurefooting and invitessoil erosion.
•As interracegardemng,startat thetop of the slopeand overlapthe first passey _alfthe widthof thetiller. Foraddedstabilityof the tiller. alwayskeepthe uphillwheelinthe soft. new_ytilled so_l.
Terrace Gardening
•Whena slope_stoo steepor too short for verticaltilling, It may benecessaryto t_llacrossthe slope andcreateterracedrows.Terraces arerowsthat arecut rotethe sideof a slope,creatinga narrow,but flat areaon whichto plant.
•Ona longs_ope,you can makeseveralterraces,one belowthe other.