TurboChef Technologies, Inc. C Series
• 12” long #2 Phillips screw driver
• 3/8” hex driver
• 3/8” socket with 1/4” ratchet wrenc h
• Set of feeler gages
• Large flat blade screw driver
1) Remove the side and top panels, top and
bottom molding, control panel, and left
perimeter trim piece.
2) Remove the interlock actuator tabs (#3) and
front guide block assembly (#14) from both
sides of the oven. (See FIGURE 7-6.)
NOTE: The guide block assembly may or
may not contain guide block support shims.
Guide block assemblies should be re–installed in
the location they were removed from (i.e. right
guide block assembly re–installed on right side) to
prevent potential trailing arm binding.
3) Close the oven door and disconnect the
springs (#8 & #15) from both trailing arms
4) Loosen but do not remove the nuts that hold
the cam follower assembly (#12) in position,
then rotate both assemblies down to vertical
5) Remove the door:
a) Remove the four 10–32 (M5) UNF
Phillips screws (#11) from the door hinge
bar mounting brackets (#7) on both sides
of the oven.
b) Pull the door awa y from the oven, bottom
first, to slide the hinge bars (#14) out of
their sl ots. Use caution in removing the
door to avoid bending the hinge bars. If
the bars bind in their slots, gently wigg le
the door to free them.
c) Remove the door, guiding the hooked
portion of the trailing arm over the cam
follower rollers (#13).
6) Rotate cam follower assembly (#12) down to
vertical position to permit the trailing arms
(#2) to pass over the cam follower roller
(#11) in step 2.
7) Assemble the door to the oven:
a) Slide the trailing arms through the upper
slots and over the rollers.
b) Slide the hinge bars (not shown) through
the lower slots. Use caution in ins talling
the door to avoid bending t he hinge bars.
If the bars bind in their slots, gently
wiggle the door to free them.
c) Attach th e bars to the door hing e bar
mounting brackets (#13) with four 10–32
(M5) UNF screws (#11) on each side
(finger tight). Apply 242 thread–locker to
screw threads prior to installation.
d) Close the door and apply even pressure
(approximately 15 to 20 pounds) to the
face of the door to squarely seat the door
shunt on the oven face. Continue to
apply this force while tightening the four
screws on each side (two people are
8) Install the s prings (#8) on each side between
the trailing arm and spring br ackets – See
door switch adjustment section beginning on
page 7-6. An y interference between any
other component or wiring and the springs or
trailing arms must be corrected before
9) Install the front trailing arm guide blocks
a) Assemble (per side) one s pacer block,
two guide blocks, two spacers, and two
screws with lock–washers.
NOTE: The guide block assembly may or may
not contain guide block support shims. Guide
block assemblies should be re–installed in the
location they were removed from (i.e. right guide
block assembly re–installed on right side) to
prevent potential trailing arm binding
b) Install one guide block assembly over
each trailing arm and tighten screws.
10) Install the interlock actuator tabs (#3):
a) Open the door.
b) Attach the interl ock actuator tabs to the
trailing arms with two 6–32 UNF (M3)
screws, and lock and flat washers on
each side.
NOTE: As you face the oven front both ac tuator
tabs are mounted on the inside of the trailing
At the first closing of the door verify that the
actuator tabs do not hit and bend on the
trailing arm guides block assemblies (#1 and
#14). Verify placement of the actuator tabs to
insure that the interlock switch levers do not