Ultratec INTELE-MODEM manual Setting UP AUTO-ANSWER


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When you’re away, your Intele–Modem can automatically answer your TTY or computer calls for you. Use Intele–Menu commands to set-up Auto-Answer.

1.Turn your computer on, and load your communications software. Follow your software instructions to get into terminal mode.

2.Turn on your Intele–Modem.

3.Press the Escape Key and the Spacebar.

4.When you see the Command Line, type the R Command. You’ll see the following prompt:

Enter # of rings (0-255):

Type a number greater than 0 and press the Enter Key.

5.If you want to enter an Auto-Answer message, do it by typing the M Com- mand. You’ll see the following prompt:

Enter new AA message? (Y/N)

Type Y for Yes. The modem responds with:

Enter new answer message ... Press ESC to end message

Type your message. Press the Escape Key when you’re finished. You will return to the Command Line.

6.Type the Z Command. You’ll see the message:

Auto-Answer on ... Press any key to abort

When it answers the phone, the Intele–Modem will respond in 300-baud ASCII code or 45- baud Baudot code, whichever matches the signals received from the incoming call. If you have saved an Auto-Answer message, it will send the message automatically after it answers the phone. After sending the message, it will wait for someone to start typing. When you or the caller hang up, the Intele–Modem will hang up and return to waiting for another call. (Note that if you want to save incoming messages, you must do so with your communications software. The Intele–Modem doesn’t do this.)

There is one difference between an ASCII and a Baudot connection in Auto-Answer mode. In ASCII, as soon as the modem loses the ASCII carrier tone, it will hang up. In Baudot, it will wait 30 seconds after it has heard the last Baudot character and then hang up.


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Ultratec INTELE-MODEM manual Setting UP AUTO-ANSWER