•You must subscribe through your local telephone company to receive Call Waiting or Caller ID on call waiting service.
Call Waiting
If you have Call Waiting service and a call waiting tone sounds while you are on a call, press talk/flash on the handset or the FLASH soft key on the base to accept the waiting call. There is a short pause, and then you will hear the new caller. To return to the original caller, press talk/flash on the handset or the FLASH soft key on the base again.
•You can place a call on hold for five minutes. When five minutes has passed, the call is disconnected, and the phone returns to standby mode.
•While a call is on hold, CIDCW can not be
Placing a Call on Hold
1)During a call, press hold/transfer/int’com on the handset or base. The call will be put on hold.
If you leave a call on hold for more than ten seconds, the display screen will read, Line On Hold.
2)To return to the call, pick up the corded handset or press talk/flash on a
handset. To talk to the caller on a speakerphone, press on the base or on a handset.
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