Group Calling
Most Selcall users will have several members in their group. It is possible that everyone in the group needs to be alerted at the same time, for example when an emergency situation occurs. Calling them one by one can be inconvenient and time consuming. It is possible to create a special code that will be recognized by every radio in the group when transmitted. Your
While you were setting SelcalllO numbers to be sent, you may have noticed the letter "A" appeared on the LCO from time to time. This letter has a special application. When added in your code to be transmitted, it tells the
To make a Group Call work all members of the group must have Selcall ID's in a numerical sequence. e.g. group of 10 users may have the following SelcalllO's:
23450 23455
23451 23456
23452 23457
23453 23458
23454 23459
| f13 GAL |
To be able to Group | Call all the | other 9 radios in your group of | SRF |
10 you would need | to transmit | the code 2345A. | ~:JI{SR |
ALL radios with 2345 as the first 4 numbers of their ID Code will be alerted.
Using the first four digits followed by "A" is suitable for calling groups of 2 to 10 radios as shown above.
The first 3 digits followed by "AA" is for 11 to 100 radios. (eg 234AA)
The first 2 digits followed by "AAA" is for 101 to 1000 radios. (eg 23AAA)
The first digit followed by "A" is for 101 to 10000 radios. (eg 2AAAA)
You can still call any of the individual members of your group, without calling all the others, by programming the individual's SelcalllO into a separate memory location. e.g. You have your group call code (2345A) in memory location 5. You want to be able to call unit 23453 outside the group so you store 23453 in memory location 3.
For Group Calls the alarm beepwill be a Iow tone and for individual tone calls the beep will be a high tone.
Note: When you transmit a Group Call you will not receive acknowledgment tones from the other radios as you nonnally do with individual tone calls.