Check Your Broadband Configuration
The UIP1869V supports the two most common broadband connection protocols: DHCP and PPPoE. If your broadband connection uses DHCP, you do not need to change any settings on the UIP1869V. If your broadband connection uses PPPoE, you will need to enter your user name and password in Step 3.
If your broadband provider has given you a static IP address, you will need a special configuration for your UIP1869V. See the User Interface Guide at www.uniden.com/ voip for more information on configuring for static IP addresses.
STEP 2: Connect Your UIP1869V
Once your account is set up, you can connect your UIP1869V.
1)Use the coil cord to connect the corded handset to the base.
2)Use the blue Ethernet cable to connect your broadband modem to the blue
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