vac as long as the "START" Button is depressed.
d.Once the "Start" Button is released, power[120vac] will be present at terminals No. 2 & No. 6. If no power is present after releasing start button verify that the fan contactor has been wired as shown on VCW Panel Electrical Schematic.
e.Voltage present at terminals No. 2 & No. 6 after pushing "START" Button, fans won't operate. This condition indicates that the control wiring is operating properly, therefore the problem must be in the fan motor itself or the power supply wiring to fan thru the normally open contactor or the fan contactor.
b.Auto Wash Solenoid does not open. 1.Check that fuse is intact.
2.Check terminals No. 1 and No. 2 with volt meter.
a.If 120vac proceed to step 2d.
b.If no voltage, check fuse and wiring to panel.
c.Check panel circuit breaker and verify that it is "ON",
d.Press "Stop" button in completely and hold for one [1] full second.
e.Check terminals No. 3 and No. 4 with volt meter.
i.If 120vac is present, check wiring to water solenoid. Check voltage at solenoid coil. If 120vac is present, replace coil. If no voltage, refer to step 2.b.
ii.Check the timer relay inside the VCW Panel to verify that power is going thru the contacts and that the coil is engaging. If relay doesn't function properly, replace the relay, If relay functions properly proceed to step 4.
iii.Check wiring against schematic to verify that is correct. Check condition of wires and connections to verify that they are not loose or damaged.
c. Auto Wash Solenoid will not close. 1.Check terminals No. 3 & No. 4 for voltage
[120vac]. If no voltage is present proceed to step e.
2.Check the wiring to the fire switch pull station to see that it has been wired to the correct contacts.
3.Check the fire switch pull station [optional] to verify it has not been pulled.
4.Check all the dampers on the ventilator to verify that none of the dampers have been activated into the fire condition.
5.Check condition of solenoid for damage or debris.
d.Solenoid coil activates but no water flow is present.
1.Check water pressure gauge. If water pressure of 25 psig or more is present proceed to steps 2 & 3. If no water pressure is present proceed to steps 4 & 5.
2.Check solenoid valve for damage or debris.
3.Check for water line blockage and verify all spray nozzles are clear.
4.Check all water supply valves to verify they are open.
5.Check and clean all line wye strainers.
B. PAWS Control Panel [Refer to fig. 17] 1. Manual Operation
The Programmable Automatic Wash Sequence [PAWS] Panel is designed to control the operation of the ventilator exhaust and air