When the insert is installed in a factory-built fire- place:
General Considerations / U.S.
•While not required in most jurisdictions in the U.S., CFM Corporation strongly recommends a full stainless steel chimney liner be installed for- mthe insert to the chimney top to increase overall performance and reduce yearly maintenance.
•A masonry chimney must be
•The chimney must have a nominal flue size of 6” (150mm) diameter, but no greater than 3 times larger. A chimney larger than this must be re- lined.
Be aware that a chimney originally designed for fire- place use may perform differently when used to vent an
•A positive flue connection must be made be- tween the Insert and the first masonry tile or prefabricated metal chimney section. A positive flue connection consists of a plate that seals or replaces the fireplace damper and a section of chimney connector that passes through the plate into the chimney. The chimney connector must be a minimum equivalent to a 6” (150 mm) diameter opening and must be 24 gauge or heavier stain- less steel.
Chimney Connection systems are available from a variety of manufacturers. Your Vermont Castings dealer can recommend a system that will best meet the re-
quirements of your particular installation.
Sealing Requirements / U.S.
•The chimney must be sealed off from room air, either by a plate at the damper level or by sealing the fireplace opening.
WinterWarm Small Insert
•Unused openings to the flue must be sealed with masonry to the thickness of the chimney wall. Openings sealed with pie plates or wallpaper are a hazard. In the event of a chimney fire, flames and smoke may be forced from the openings.
In Canada
•A full chimney liner meeting ULC S635, Class III (stainless steel) must be installed from the insert to the chimney top, and securely attached to both. The damper may be removed to accommo- date the liner.
•The opening of the fireplace around the insert must be sealed to prevent room air passing to the fireplace cavity.
•Provision must be made for removal of the insert to clean the chimney flue.
•A permanent metal warning label must be affixed to the back of the fireplace stating the fireplace may have been altered to accommodate the in- sert, and may be unsafe to use as a conventional fireplace. (A Fireplace Modification Tag is includ- ed in the hardware bag inside the WinterWarm Small Insert.)
Minimum Fireplace Dimensions
The WinterWarm Small Insert will fit most masonry and
The unit can be installed virtually flush with the fireplace opening or it can extend up to 6³⁄₄” (172mm) onto the hearth. Figure 3 gives minimum and maximum dimen- sions for fireplaces which will accommodate the Winter- Warm Small Insert.
NOTE: The clearance between the WinterWarm Small Insert and the mantel, top trim and side trim cannot be reduced by installing shields.
Another requirement to consider is the clearance for movable items such as tables, bookcases, rugs, fur- nishings, and your woodbox. All combustible materials of this type should be a minimum of 48” (1220mm) from the front surface of the WinterWarm Small Insert. Be sure that family members are aware of this requirement as well, so they too will keep objects a safe distance
from the WinterWarm Small Insert. | 5 |