VerteX RTH Series H.8 and H.16 Series
[Figure 5-41. Storage Format]
 Then, the user is able to choose [New/Online/Format/Eject]. Select Format and formatting progress as
shown below.
[Figure 5-42. Storage formatting in progress message]
It may take time during formatting.
 After formatting, select the model again and set as Online.
 Format is completed.
6-5. PTZ
Set the PTZ camera connected to the system. {Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {PTZ}.
[Figure 5-43. PTZ Window]
Camera Displays Channel No. 1 ~ 16
Protocol Sets the protocol for communicating with the PTZ camera
Camera ID ID set up in the PTZ camera
Transmission Rate Communication speed (must be the same as that defined in the camera manual)
Preset Duration Time interval required to change to the assigned screen between the Preset
defined in the Tour feature and the next Preset (5 ~60 seconds)
Tour Sets the Tour feature (Tour 1 and Tour 2)

6-5-1. PTZ Protocol Setup

PTZ protocol refers to the rule for communicating with the PTZ camera.