VerteX RTH Series H.8 and H.16 Series
 Select Tour of the desired channel. Two Tour are available in VERTEX RTH, H.8 AND H.16 series and
each Tour can be set with eight presets.
[Figure 5-45. Tour Setup Window]
 Set Tour in the selection window.
6-6. Network
Set the system network. {Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {Network}

6-6-1. Ethernet

Setup is performed to use a fixed IP in the local area network environment.
[Figure 5-46. Setup Network Window]
 Select {Ethernet} in {Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {Network}.
 Select {TCP/IP}.
 Save after filling in IP Address, Subnet Mask, Standard Gateway, Standard DNS, and Alternative DNS.
This feature is used in the user authentication-type ADSL communication environment.
 Select {ADSL}.
 Save after filling in User Name and Password.