WARNING - If the control box is not mounted properly it may fall, causing damage and/or injury. The control box weight is approximately 40 lbs. Be sure that the substrate being mounted to and the fasteners being used are appropriate to support the weight of the control box.

1.Remove the control board mounting plate. The plate is held in the box by four screws.

2.Position the control box in the desired place and mark the mounting holes. Prepare the holes to receive the anchors/fasteners.

3.Position the control box and secure it to the mounting surface using the sealed washers provided (place the rubber side of the washers against the inside of the control box).

Note: Depending on type of anchor used, it may be necessary to enlarge the mounting holes in the control box.

15" Standard

17" Industrial

14" Standard

16" Industrial


6.5" Standard

6.5" Industrial

Mounting Fastener

(Customer Supplied)

Sealed Washer (Supplied with Unit)

Control Box Mounting Surface


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