status | 6/7 | Specify the https status. | |
| |
| |
| |
| 0 = Not installed |
| 1 = Active |
countryname | string[2] | 6/6 | Country name in the certificate information. |
stateorprovincename | string[128] | 6/6 | State or province name in the certificate |
| information. |
localityname | string[128] | 6/6 | The locality name in the certificate information. |
organizationname | string[64] | 6/6 | Organization name in the certificate information. |
unit | string[32] | 6/6 | Organizational unit name in the certificate |
| information. |
commonname | string[64] | 6/6 | Common name in the certificate information. |
validdays | 0 ~ 3650 | 6/6 | Valid period for the certification. |
118 - User's Manual