User's Manual - 199
ip <ip address> <blank> 6/6 Ip address of Auxiliary camera.
port 80,1025~6553
<blank> 6/6 Connection port of Auxiliary camera.
account string[64] <blank> 6/6 User name of Auxiliary camera
passwd string[128] <blank> 6/6 Password of Auxiliary camera
eventalarm 0~7 0 6/6 Indicate the source id of auxiliary
camera's manual trigger. The field is
required when trigger condition is
"manual" on auxiliary camera.
One bit represents one digital input.
The LSB indicates VI 0.
nrmlinterval 0~300 10 6/6 When the last control finish after
<nrmlinterval> seconds, controller
camera will send manual trigger with
normal signal to auxiliary camera.