combin ation input ca n be us ed t o c onnect eit her
a low impe dance (XLR) hi gh impedan ce (1/4”)
microp hone or line -level de vice. The 1/4” INPUT jack
is loca ted in the center of the jack hou sing. The XL R
INPUT jac k is loc ated wi thin t he oute r perime ter of
the jack housing. Align the 3 pin s of your XLR m ic
cable with t he appro priate positio ning in t he jack .
2. MIC AU X SEND - A llows y ou to a ssign or bypas s
the e ffect s loop for e ach mic channel . Pres s down
to as sign and up to by pass.
3. SEND level c ontrol (Mic aux) - Con trols t he mic
level that is output to the effec ts loop.
4. RE TURN l evel control (Mic aux) - C ontrol s the
level of the r eturn effec ts loop signal .
5. GAIN - This contro ls the inpu t level fr om any
devic e that is conne cted t o the mi c/line inpu t jack.
To increas e GAIN level, t urn clock wise. To decr ease,
turn c ounter -clock wise.
6. TREBLE - This contr ols the level for high frequency
EQ. Use t his cont rol to b oost or r educe th e TREBLE
in the aud io signal. To incr ease TREBLE, t urn
clock wise. To de crease, turn co unter- clockw ise.
7. BASS - This contr ols th e leve l for low f requenc y
EQ. U se th is con trol to b oost or re duce t he BAS S
frequ encies i n the aud io signa l.
8. MIC DSP control - Contr ols the amount o f DSP ef fect (Rev erb and e cho) tha t is appli ed to ea ch micro phone
channe l.
9. CUE - Th is moni tors t he input signal f rom th e mixer board t o the he adphones . Press CUE on an y channel to
hear onl y that cha nnel thr ough the he adphones . Note: If y ou cue mor e than one ch annel, eac h select ed channel
will b e audible as well.
10. CHANNE L FADER - Th e CHANNEL FADER raises or l owers the Mic or line volume of the c hannel as it is
moved up or dow n.
11. KEY - This as signs DIGI TAL KEY CON TROL to each app licable channel. If the butto n is pr essed, t he DIGITAL
KEY CO NTROL set ting wi ll be app lied.
12. TALKOVER - The TALKOVER featur e allows th e KJ/DJ/VJ to make annou ncement s by inst antly lo wering th e
music v olume wh en there is mic ac tivit y. To use, s elect “ON.” S elect “OF F” to dis able. Whe n set to “AUTO,” it will
autom aticall y lowe r the music volume when mi c acti vity is pr esent, and r eturn music when no mic a ctivi ty is
prese nt. Not e: This featur e only works with t he Mic 1, a s that channel is desig ned to be used by KJs, DJs and
VJs. Oth er channe ls are n ot aff ected by the Talk Over fu nction.
Microp hone Pane l of the KJ-7808RV
Front Panel Descriptions and Functions