Graphic Equalizer
Fine t uning music for preci se room t uning
To fin e tune the sound of your musica l outp ut, we includ ed the 5-Band Graphic EQ. This EQ
makes a djusting the warmt h or sharp ness of y our music a breeze. Frequency range set tings
are: 60, 250, 1k, 4k an d 12k. The l ows are 60 and 250, the mid is 1k and th e highs are 4k and
12k. Below w e have pr ovided so me common g eneral set tings.
Channel Cueing
Channel cueing monit ors the i nput s ignal(s) from the mix b oard to th e head phones. When
channel cueing, you can sele ct as many channels as you like to cue to headp hones. To CHANNEL
CUE, fi rst make sure t he MASTER/CUE SEL ECTOR but ton is set to CUE. Then press t he CUE
butt on on each ch annel th at you want c ued to the h eadphones. To REMOVE a channel from
being c ued, simply depress that chann els CUE but ton. To INCREASE or DECREASE t he volume
level t o headphones, use the CUE LEVEL co ntrol loca ted next t o the Cue/Master button. Not e:
It is rec ommended to on ly cue necess ary channel s, as too many cue d channels can be difficul t
to di scern fr om one ano ther. Also when chann el cueing, any Digit al Key cha nges in e ffect will
not be audible t o the head phones.
(Recording) (Playing)
Reducing Tape HissSlight Power BoostRoom Acoustic
Clean Vocals