1. AC INP UT - This is the termin al for the AC powe r cabl e. Care fully inser t the AC pow er cab le her e. The AC
power cable sh ould fi t firm i nto hou sing.
2. BOO TH OUT - Th ese RCA ja cks are f or sendi ng audio t o BOOTH/MONITO R speaker s. The ou tput le vel to t he
BOOTH/MONITO R speaker s is con trolled via the BOOTH fade r. Connect an approp riate c able fro m these j acks
to you r BOOTH/MONITO R speake rs. Note : If your Booth/Mon itor sp eakers do not ha ve a bui lt-in a mplifier, y ou
will n eed to c onnect them to a dedica ted amp lifier t o power them.
3. BAL ANCED (XL R) MASTER OUT - These BAL ANCED MASTER OUT jacks ar e for bal anced XLR c ables. The se
jacks p rovide connect ion to a power amp lifier. No te: If y our ampli fier has 1/4” input j acks, you will nee d 1/4” to
XLR ca bles or adapto rs. Som e ampli fiers offer multip le conne ction option s, inclu ding RCA “unbalan ced” inp ut.
See num ber 4.
stand ard RCA cables. These jacks p rovide connec tion to a pow er ampli fier as well. Note: I f your amplifi er has
1/4” inpu t jacks, you will need 1/4” to RCA ca bles or a daptor s.
5. RECO RD OU T - These L/R RCA jacks jack s by pass the MASTER OUTS for conne ction to any CD b urner,
casse tte, or DAT recorde r to rec ord your mix. Idea l for th e mobile DJ/KJ that wan ts to of fer th eir cust omer a
recor ding at the end of their perfor mance.
6. AV OUT - In add ition to t he MAS TER and BOOTH outs, this mixed RCA L /R outp ut gi ves y ou an addit ional
optio n for conne ction of y our mi x to ext ernal compone nts. Use in conju ction with the AV OUT LEVEL on t he
Maste r Panel t o contr ol the signal le vel.
7. AV IN PUT 1, 2, 3 (audio) - Thes e S TEREO INPUT jacks are for co nnectin g e xterna l c omponent s to the
KJ-7808RV. You c an con nect any L/R RCA c ables to th ese i nputs, but there are d edicat ed inpu ts f or CD or
PHONO/LINE to provi de op timal sound qual ity. Adjust the STER EO CHA NNEL SO URCE t oggle on the middle
panel o f the KJ -7808RV accordi ngly.
8. CD IN PUT 1, 2, 3 - Use these d edicate d input s for CD pl ayers as source music wi th RCA L/R c ables. Adj ust
the ST EREO CHANNEL S OURCE togg le on th e middle panel of the KJ-7808RV ac cording ly.
9. PHON O 1, 2, 3/LINE INPUT - Use thes e STEREO INPUT ja cks to conne ct tur ntable s using L/R RC A. Wit h
PHONO 1 and 2, y ou also have the opti on of selec ting line input, us ing #9 in conj unction with the se jacks. A djust
the ST EREO CHANNEL S OURCE togg le on th e middle panel of the KJ-7808RV ac cording ly.