Setti ng the Main Video Out put Channel
The KJ-7808RV allow s up to three A/V devices to be connect ed at one time. There are
two w ays to se lect whic h A/V channe l will be output t o the main video out puts: man ually or
automa tically using the crossfad er.
Automa ticall y
To se t th e KJ-7808RV to automati cally switch
video when using the cr ossfader, press the
VIDEO TO GGLE but ton so that the X-FADER LED
light s up.
1. When sele cting vid eo manually, make sure
that he X- FADER LED is no t lit . If it i s lit , pres s
the VIDE O TOGGLE bu tton.
2. Press t he VIDEO 1 bu tton un til the correct AV chann el LED is l it.
Setti ng the AV Mon itor Outp ut Channel
The KJ-7808RV has a second vide o ou tput (MONITOR) that allows you to view the video
from another AV input an d cue up songs w hile a di fferen t AV input is set to the main vid eo
outpu t.
1. Press t he AV MONITOR bu tton un til the c orrect AV c hannel LED i s lit.
Using Di gital Key Control
Use the D igital Key Controll er to obta in the music al key
that matches the na tural ra nge of your voi ce. You ca n
increa se or decr ease the or iginal or “NO RMAL” note b y
6 step s to cover the total musi cal range of 12 dif ferent
keys. Th e Digital Key Con troller ind icator disp lays either
0 for NORMAL key or ± 6 on the DOWN and UP sides.
To s tep UP or “# (sharp)”, press the rig ht bu tton. To
step DO WN, or “b (flat)”, press the left but ton. To rever t
back t o the ori ginal key, p ress the NORMAL but ton.
- Flat (1/2 step down)
- Natu ral (Rese t to “Nor mal” key)
- Sharp (1/2 step up)