1. L ED METERS - Thes e meters d isplay sy stem
OUTPUT L EVELS. F or maxi mum per formanc e with
a clean, undis torte d signal, increa se source outpu t,
as well as the KJ-7808RV’s GAIN, CHANNEL FADER
and L/R MAS TER FADERS unt il meter p eaks in t he
yello w L ED range (-2 to +4). Inp ut should ra rely
cause me ters t o peak in th e range of the red LED s
for be st sound .
2. 12V LIGH T JACK (BN C) - Thi s BNC st yle ja ck is
for c onnect ing a 12V DJ LIGHT, id eal fo r mixi ng in
dark e nvironm ents.
3. POWER - Th is butt on turns the KJ-7000 Pro ON
in the upper po sition, OFF in lo wer.
4. AV OUT L EVEL - This level cont rol o nly a ffect s
the RCA jacks f rom AV OUT on the ba ck panel.
MASTER and CHANNEL faders will not ef fect oupu t
level s from t hese jac ks.
5. HEADPHON ES jack - This 1/4” jack is f or
connec ting HEA DPHONES.
6. MAST ER EQUALIZ ER - Th is 5-ban d, Graph ic EQ
gives you addit ional c ontrol over your tone in t he
60 Hz, 250 Hz, 1KHz, 4Kh z and 12KHz frequ encies
with a +/- 12 boos t or cut for pre cise roo m
tuning . Ad just these co ntrols to su it your sound
qualit y pref erence s.
must b e press ed in to activ ate the Graphic EQ.
8. CUE/MASTE R - This but ton togg les betw een CHANNEL Cuei ng and MASTER Cu eing. When CHANNEL cueing,
you w ill onl y hear channel s that have been s elected for Cueing. When MAS TER Cuei ng, you will hear MAS TER
OUTPUT, re gardles s of which channels have been s electe d for Cueing. Note: Digita l Key Contro l chang es are
only a udible w hen MASTER Cueing.
9. MASTE R L/R FADERS - These slide c ontrols raise a nd lower the Le ft and Right MAS TER OUTPUT l evels f or
all s tereo channels as th ey are moved up and down, provid ing an overall volume level for ea ch chan nel mix ed
toget her. Balanc e each c hannel’s in dividua l fader control for th e best m ix.
10. BOOTH FA DER - This slide c ontrol raises o r lower s the ou tput le vel for the BOOT H OUT
locat ed on th e back p anel.
Note: This sli de cont rol is o nly fun ctional when mon itors or a
contr ol boot h is con nected from t he corr espondin g outpu ts.