Front Panel Descriptions and Functions
1. STEREO CHA NNEL SOURCE t oggle - T his swit ch will
toggl e between AV, PHONO/LINE and CD sources con nected
to t hat c hannel. As st ated above, if y ou hav e both a CD+ G
player and a tur ntable c onnect ed to the same chan nel, only
that de vice to which thi s SOURCE TOGGL E is selec ted woul d
be audib le. Appli cable gra phics/vide o signals a re outpu t
accor dingly.
2. VIDEO TOGG LE button - Tog gles bet ween Cros sfader
video select mode and manual vi deo sele ct mode.
When in CROSSFADER mode, the X-FADER LED wil l be lit .
This indicat es th at vid eo oup ut sig nal is recie ved fr om th e
two as signed s ources in the cro ssfader ASSIGN selec tions.
You can alter nate bet ween any tw o o f the three so urce
input s by push ing the crossf ader either to the far lef t or
far rig ht. As yo u shift t he cros sfader in either d irecti on, you
will s ee the
respe ctive V IDEO 1, 2, or 3 LEDs abo ve the SOURC E toggle s
illumin ate.
In MANUA L mode, the X-FADER LED is no t illu minated,
indica ting that you can manuall y s hift betw een the VIDEO
LEDs by si mply push ing the VIDE O SELECT tog gle in the
MANUAL po stion repeat edly t o cycle throu gh VIDEO 1 (red
LED), 2 (green LED) and 3 (ye llow LED) .
3. VIDEO-M AIN select or - Selec ts which ch annel will b e
outpu t from the MAIN video outp ut. The LEDs ind icate wh ich
channe l is curr ently set.
4. AV MONI TOR selecto r - Sele cts which cha nnel will be
outpu t fro m the MONITOR v ideo o utput. The LEDs ind icate
which channel i s curre ntly se t.
5. SIGNAL light - This ligh t illumi nates b lue when a signal is reci eved to STEREO CHANN EL 1, 2 or 3.
6. GAI N - This knob contro ls th e inpu t lev el fr om tha t chan nel’s se lected sourc e. To i ncrease the GAIN, t urn
clock wise. Note: A djustin g this knob is not synon ymous to adj usting the ch annel f ader. The gain knob ad justs
the inpu t level f rom the so urce, whil e the chann el fader ad justs th e output level fro m the sour ce. For bes t audio
resul ts, adju st GAIN un til jus t befor e dist ortion is not iceable.