Master Cueing
Master Cuei ng wi ll cue the MASTER
OUTPUT to the h eadphones. Thi s is
commonl y u sed to isolate the aud io
signal to the headphones. Maste r
cueing makes it possible to practi ce
when “audi ble” music is not permitte d
i.e. late night pract icing at home. To
MASTER CUE, make su re the CUE/
MASTER button is se t to MASTER
and adjust the CUE LEVEL control to
a desired v olume level. Not e: When
maste r c ueing, pressi ng any channels indi vidual Cue but ton will not a ffect out put to the
headpho nes as tho se butt ons only work when channel cu eing.
Crossf ading bet ween sourc es
The cr ossfader allows you to “m ix”
or crossf ade between two chan nels
while togg ling between corre sponding
video o utputs. To do t his, you need
to first ASSIGN the two channel s to
your CROSSFADER. O n each side of
the CROSSFADER, there is an ASSIGN butt on. The LEFT ASSIGN b utton can assig n ei ther
CHANNEL 1 or 2, whil e the RIGHT ASSIGN but ton can assig n either CHANNEL 2 or 3. Once you
have y our desir ed channel s assigne d, move t heir res pective CHANNEL FADERS t o an audib le
level, and slide the CROSSFADER b ack and for th to crossfad e.
Note: If you as sign channe l 2 on bot h sides, t he cross fader wil l not cro ssfade.
Record ing a Perf ormance or Mix
To RECORD a mix or performan ce, connec t a line -level patch ca ble from the RECORD OUT to
the AUDIO IN of a re cording de vice.