Setti ng the Mic Aux Send f or Each Mic Channel
When running a v ocal e ffect s unit thro ugh the eff ects loop,
you can sele ct which mic channe ls will be assigned t o t he
effe cts un it and which o nes wil l bypas s it u sing the MIC AUX
SEND but ton. Each MIC AUX SEND b utton has a numbe r next
to it tha t correspo nds with the mic channel that i t will Assign/
Bypas s.
• To assig n a channel to the e ffect s loop, pre ss the MIC
AUX SEND bu tton f or that ch annel down
• To bypa ss the ef fects loop, depre ss the MIC AUX
SEND but ton for that chan nel.
Adjusti ng the Ef fects Lo op Send and Return L evels
The KJ-7808RV allows yo u to adjust the S end and Return
levels of the e ffect s loop.
SEND - is th e clean micro phone signal that goes in to the
effe cts uni t.
RETURN - I s the micr ophone sig nal with effect s applied to it.
• Turn eac h contro l clockw ise to in crease and
count er-clock wise to decrease