Already saved The telephone number entered is
already stored in the directory.
Call log empty There are no call log entries.
Calling handset X
(system with two or more registered
handsets and a headset)
Calling other handset
(system with two registered handsets)
Calling another handset.
Calling headset Calling the headset.
Directory empty There are no directory entries.
Directory full The directory is full.
Ended You have just ended a call.
Handset X is calling
(system with three or more handsets)
Other handset is calling
(system with two registered handsets)
Another system handset is calling.
Incoming call There is an incoming call.
Intercom The handset is on an intercom call.
Intercom ended You have just ended an intercom call.
Line in use A system handset, headset or another
telephone on the same line is in use,
or the answering system is answering
a call.
Low battery The handset battery needs to be
Microphone ON MUTE is turned off and the person on
the other end can hear you.
Muted You have turned off the handset
microphone. The other party cannot
hear you but you can hear the other
New voicemail There are new voicemail messages
from your telephone service provider.
No battery No battery is installed. Follow the
directions for battery installation on
page 5 to install the battery before
handset display screen messages