

About cordless telephones 77
Add a handset 63
Add a headset 64
Adjust the ear hook 9
Alert tones 60
Alphabetical search 40
Announcement 50
Answer a call 24
Answer an incoming call during an
intercom call 30
Answer an incoming call during PTT 36
Answering system and voicemail 51
Answering system setup 47
Answer ON/OFF 47
Answer PTT 35
Attach the earbud 8
Attach the ear hook 11
Attach the head band 12


Battery 6, 61, 62


Caller ID 42
Call intercept 52
Call log 43
Call log display screen messages 46
Call screening 48
Call waiting 26
Chain dialing 27
Character chart 39
Charging 6, 7
CID time synchronization 22
Clear voicemail 20


Date and time setting 21
Delete a directory entry 41
Delete a memo 54
Delete announcement 50
Delete answering system messages 54
Delete a redial entry 28
Delete the call log entries 46
Deregister handset/headset 65
Dial a call log entry 45
Dial a directory entry 40
Dial a redial entry 28
Dialing pause 24, 38
Directory 37
DSL î…¿lter 2


Earbud 8
Ear hook 9
Earpiece 18
Edit a directory entry 41
End a call 24
End PTT 36
Equalizer 26
Expand your telephone system 63


FCC, ACTA and IC regulations 80
Find handset/headset 26


Handset battery 61
Handset battery installation 5
Handset charger installation 2
Handset display screen messages 57, 58
Handset icons 59
Handset indicators 59
Handset layout 14
Handset lights 59
Handset listening volume 24
Head band 12
Headset alert tones 60
Headset attachments 8
Headset battery 62
Headset charger installation 7
Headset earpiece 18
Headset indicators 60
Headset layout 18
Headset lights 60
Headset listening volume 24
Home area code 22


Important safety instructions 75
Indicators 59, 60
Installation 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Intercom 29


Join a call 28