BREAD SELECT SETTING TO USE: dough | 6. Place dough on lightly floured surface, with long |
1. Add water and 3 tablespoons butter to pan. | sides vertical to you. Roll out into a |
2. Add bread flour, sugar, dry milk and salt to pan. Tap pan to settle | rectangle. Fold in thirds, folding from end to end. Place |
dry ingredients, level ingredients, pushing some of the mixture into | back onto greased cookie sheet, cover with plastic wrap |
the corners. | and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. The longer |
3. Make a well in center of dry ingredients; add yeast. Lock pan into | refrigeration time will result in flakier croissants. |
bread maker | 7. Place dough on lightly floured surface, with long |
4. Program for dough. Program time delay if being used. Start bread | side vertical to you. Roll out into a |
maker. When done, unlock pan from bread maker. Place dough into a | rectangle. Cut rectangle into thirds, both crosswise and |
greased bowl. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes. | lengthwise. Then cut each piece diagonally in half to |
5. Place dough onto lightly floured surface. Roll into a | form 18 triangles. Roll each triangle up, starting at |
rectangle. Cover ⅔ of dough with thinly sliced butter. Fold unbuttered | wide end, to form crescent shape. Place croissants on |
third of dough over the center buttered third, then fold again, over the | greased cookie sheet, curving ends so they almost |
remaining buttered third. Seal ends and long side of dough. Place on | touch. Brush or spray lightly with water. Cover and let |
lightly greased cookie sheet, cover with plastic wrap and place in | rise in warm, |
refrigerator for 30 minutes. | double in size. |
| 8. Brush croissants with slightly beaten egg white. |
| Bake in preheated 190°C oven for 15 minutes to 20 |
| minutes or until golden brown. |