Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Setting Service Person IDs and Passwords

Models: CL-8

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ADVANTECHManagement Software Setup

Setting Service Person IDs and Passwords

Service Person IDs control access to the Handheld Software, located on the PDA. These IDs give the owner/operator the ability to track service person activity. An ID should be created for each service person using a PDA.

1.Select Passwords, Add/View Service Person IDs from the menu.

2.Enter your Management Password, then click on Submit. The Add New Service Person window appears.

3.Enter the User Name and press [Tab].


The User Name and Password cannot be longer than 12 characters (alpha and/or numeric) including spaces.

The Password is case sensitive.

4.Enter the Password and press [Tab].

5.Enter the Password again to confirm, then click on Add.


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Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Setting Service Person IDs and Passwords