Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Viewing Reports

Models: CL-8

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The Management Software provides an extensive selection of reporting options to help you track your machine setup and service data, audits, and exceptions. Reports can be previewed on the screen, printed, or exported to a separate file for use within a third-party program. It is assumed that if you are using a third-party software to analyze the Management Software reports that you will build/supply the interfaces necessary for the information to be displayed in a meaningful way.

Viewing Reports

Before viewing a Report, verify the correct location is selected from the Location: drop-down list.

1. Click on Reports. The Whirlpool ADVANTECHReports dialog box appears.

2.Click on the check boxes to select which type of report, or reports, you wish to create. If no report data is available for a selected report, a warning window will be displayed at the time of previewing or printing.


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Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Viewing Reports