Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Exceptions per Machine, Location

Models: CL-8

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The following table describes the types of reports that can be created. See Appendix for a complete listing of report types.















Creates a report based on an Existing Washer or Dryer



Setup Reports



Template, Comprehensive Machine Listing, or Machines






Deviating from Templates.



Exception Reports



Creates a report detailing all Machine Exceptions or





Exceptions per Machine.











Creates reports based on Audit data such as: Last Audit per



Audit Reports



Machine, Audit Data per Machine, or Location, Audit Cycle






Histograms, or Audit Data per Service Person.



Service Data Reports



Creates reports based on Service Data per Machine or
















3. To view the report, under Select an option to






view: select Screen, then click on Preview.






Note: A specific range of dates can be selected






before viewing the reports.



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Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Exceptions per Machine, Location