Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Editing Location Information, Deleting a Location

Models: CL-8

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ADVANTECHManagement Software Setup

Editing Location Information

1.Verify that the correct location appears in the Location: drop-down list located in the upper left of the screen.

2.Select Locations, Update Current Location from the menu.

3.Make the appropriate changes in the Update Location Info dialog box.

4.Click on Submit.

Deleting a Location

1.Verify that the correct location appears in the Location: drop-down list located in the upper left of the screen.

2.Select Locations, Delete Current Location from the menu.

3.Click on Yes to accept the Location Deletion Warning.


Deleting a location also deletes template setup and audit data associated with the location.


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Whirlpool CL-8 user manual Editing Location Information, Deleting a Location