Caring For Your Range
Using loll (standard and contlnuous-cleanlng ovsns)
To catch sugar or starchy spills from pies and casseroles, use a piece of
Burn, Electrkal shock and Producf
Dsmsge Hazard
l Make cure all oontrols are OFF and the oven fs cool before using fall. Fallure to do so can resulf In bums or electrlcsl shock
. Do not uaie foll to cover oven floor or to COmpletely cover a rack. Good air circulation Is needed for the oven to operate properly. Pow moklng resulis and damsga to the oven could occur.
1. Turn ofl all controls.
2 Put foil or pan under the cooklng con- talner. Make sure the foil is centered and large enough to catch any