Settingthe clock
ven the range Is connectsd to power, the clock p&p$y will blink at ‘88:W until the
Tub the Set Knob in either direction to set timedday. (Knob must be turned four or fiie cliis before time will advance.) The Inverted triangle and the ckbck lights will light up on the display while the time is being set.
Usingthe MinuteTimer
The Minute Timer &es not start or stopthe oven. tt works like a kitchen timer. il can be set in minutes and seconds up to 9 hours 50 minutes. You will hear a tone when the set time is up.
To eet the Minute Timer:
1.Push the Set button owe. A tone will sound and the inverted triangle and bell lights will light up on the display. The display will show ‘FOO.’
2.Turn the Set Knob clockwise to the desired setting, up to 9 hours SOminutes.
NOTE: The knob must be turned within 15
seconds after the button is pushed.
The inverted triangle light will go off.The Minute Timer will count down the time and sound a tone at the end of the set time. At the end of the countdown ‘:OO’ will appear on the display, followed by
NOTE: Once the countdown passes the one- hour mark, the display will show minutes to the left of the colon. For example, 59 minutes will appear as F&:00.’
To check
Push the Set button once. A tone will sound and the timeofday will be displayed.
To return b the Wlnutr Timer dlaplay:
Push the Set button once. A tone will sound and the Minute Timer will reappear.