Wesuggestyou follow thesesteps:
1.Before cslllng for asslstsnce ...
Performance problems often result from little things you can find and fix without Eels of any kind.
If nothlng operates:
lIs the gas turned on?
lIs the power supply cord plugged into a live circuit with the proper voltage? (See Installa- tion Instrudions.)
lHave you checked your home’s main fuses or cirarit breaker box?
lHave instructions in this book been followed? l Is the control knob set in the correct position? l Is the flow of combustbn and/or ventilation air
to the unit obstructed? Do not obstruct alrflow to and around unit.
l Recheck suspected defect.
If burner falls to Ilght:
lIs the range connected to electrical power?
lHave you checked your home’e main fuses or circuit breaker box?
l Are burner ports clogged? See page 13.
If burner ffames are uneven:
. Are burner potis dogged? See page 13.
If burner ftames lift off ports, are yellow, or are nolsy when lumed off:
lThe air/gas mixture may be incorrect. (Call for service.)
If burner makes a popplng noise when ON:
. IS the burner wet from washing7 Let dry.
If control knob(s) will not turn:
lDid you push in before trying to turn?
If sollts vlslble onoontlnuousctesnlng oven flnlsh:
lThe special finish is designed to gradually reduce oven solI during Ty)rmal baking or roasting. It is net designed to keep your oven spotless, only presentably dean. If you broil often, you may see oven soil. Follow hand- cleaning tips on pages 15 and 16.
lThe door is coder than the oven walls. Soil will be more visibfe on the door than other areas in the oven. See
lSugar and starchy spills may leave stains. See pages 15 and 16 for
If cooklng results are not what you expected:
lIs the range level?
lDoes the oven temperature seem too bw or too high? See page 9.
lIf needed, have you preheated the oven as the redpe cslls for?
lDoes the flame size fit the awking utensil being used? (See the Cooklng Gukfe.)
. Are you following a tested rec’pe from a reliable source?
lAre you using pans recommended in the Cooking Guide?
lH baking, have you allowed 1 1R to 2 inches
lAre the pans the size called for in the recipe?
l Do the oxking utensils have smooth, flat bottoms and fii the surface burners being used?
See the Cooking Guide for more information on cooking problems and how to solve them.