This menu is used to set and activate the timer.
On the Applications menu, please select the Timer menu and [OK]. Activate or Deactivate the alarm and validate.
Set the duration (hours/minutes) by entering the numbers directly and validate.
The alarm icon appears on the initial screen.
This menu allows you to add ToDo’s, access
If there are not any ToDo, you directly access to the options below. If there is a ToDo, press [Options] to display the options.
-Add written/vocal ToDo: allows you to add ToDo of the text or voice type. Fill in the different items. Save the ToDo.
-Memory: allows you to view the memory used by the different functions of your ToDo.
-Categories: allows you to see the different ToDo categories, assign a specific ring tone to each individual ToDo, know the number of ToDo’s in each category and see them.
-Delete all: allows you to delete all the ToDo’s from your ToDo.