Editor: various options to modify a photo.
Zoom: allows you to magnify certain parts of your photo,
Adjustment: allows you to improve contrast,
Emboss: allows you to modify a photo with an embossed grey tint,
Negative: allows you to change a photo into negative,
Grey Scale: allows you to change color into black and white,
Add mark: allows you to add special characters or drawings to your photo,
Add frame: allows you to surround your photo with a frame,
Contrast: allows you to increase or decrease the contrast of your photo,
Sharpen: allows you to sharpen a photo,
Blur: allows you to add blur to a photo,
Sepia: allows you to change colors into sepia,
Shape: allows you to shape a photo,
Brigthness: allows you to increase or decrease the brightness of a photo,
Solarize: allows you to increase or decrease the solarize of a photo,
Saturation: allows you to increase or decrease the color saturation.
-PlanetSagem: photos that have been taken can be saved onto a PC through a cable or IrDA using the MPAS (My Pictures And Sounds) utility
which can be downloaded from www.planetsagem.com.
If there is not enough memory to save the photo, a warning message appears, prompting you to confirm whether you want to go on.
Once taken, the photo appears on the phone display. The name is made up with a number.
Note: using the camera during a call may disturb the call quality.