Calling voicemail
This function allows you to call your voicemail.
On the Messages menu, please select the Call Voice Mail option and [Select].
Note: if your voicemail number has not been entered yet, you must enter it in the menu Settings/Calls/Voicemail.
This number depends on the operator.
Mailing list
This menu displays the mailing lists created in the phonebook.
To display the different options, press [Options].
-Properties: allows you to see the type of mailing list and the number of contacts.
-Delete: allows you to delete the mailing list.
-Send message: allows you to compose and send a message to the contacts of the mailing list.
-Add mailing list: allows you to create a new mailing list.
-Modify name: allows you to modify the mailing list name.
-Add contact: allows you to add a contact to the mailing list.