My Pictures
This menu gives you access to the photos you have taken with your phone and to the pictures you have downloaded.
On the Multimedia menu, please select the My Pictures menu and [Select].
The names of the pictures are displayed on the screen. Please use the navigation stick to select one of them.
To display the different options, press [Options].
-New photo: allows you to take a new photo.
-Use as: allows you to use the picture as a wallpaper or screen saver.
-Send by: makes it possible to transmit a picture (NB: you may not send any copyrighted picture).
You can import or export pictures to or from a computer using My Pictures And Sounds (MPAS), available from www.planetsagem.com.
-Rename: allows you to rename a picture.
-Editor: see chapter E/P courant 1.
-Properties: properties of the picture selected.
-Memory: memory size used by the pictures.
-Delete: allows you to delete a picture.
-Delete all: to delete all the pictures.
PlanetSagem: to have access to the web site to download pictures.