General Cleaning, Outside
Remove spillovers and stains as the>, occur LI\II~,(’ ;I SOfL cloth ;untl 4lld~J water.
Clean the range after each use to pre\‘cnt ioil builcl-up. Use ;I mlsture ofmrld detergent and hot uatrr to remove light soil. Rinse with ;I damp cloth and M’I~C dry. Be sure to wring excess moistur-e from the cloth before LIiping any range surface. especially- &hen uipin, (7around control\. E\cc\s u ater in or a~-oundthe controls may c;iList’ damage to lhc applixnc~.
Different yurf‘ace\ require special cleanin,(1Lo renio\c hea\ \ wil. FolloLi Ihe instructions belob,.
ALUMINUM-Use detergent on a damp cloth to clean range trim picccs. Z1o not scour or u4e all-pui-pose cleaners. ;uniiioiii;l. poMder-cdclearlscl-s 01~conl- mercial oven clcantm. The!, can xratch and diwolor aluminum.
GLASS, PAINT AND PLASTIC-Thaw materials arc u\cd in ;\reu\ where soiling should not be sa’ere. For built-up grease. mahc a dcteryent and uater paste. Apply to soil for 30 to 60 mlnutcs. Rinse with ;I danlp cloth and d1.1.
PORCELAIN ENAMEI>-Gentle scouring \t,ith ;I waph \couring pad u,ill remove most stubborn \potj. Ifncceswr~. CO\C’Ispot\- with an arllmonin-~oah~d paper to\vol for 70-10 minutes. Rub gently Mlth ;I mlp-i‘illcd scouring pad a11d rinse with II mixture of clew water and vinegal-. U’ipc dry. Remove all cleaners or the porcelain may become damaged during future heating. DO NOT LIP spray oven clcancr4 on the range top.
STAINLESS STEEL, CHROME-Cover stubborn spot\ LIith an ;unmoni;t- soahedpaper towel t’ol-30 to30 minutc’$. A so~~l~~filledscouring pad ma> be uwd carei‘ully. but not on ;I chrome finish. Clcanc~-4made especiall>’ for stainless \tccl. chrome or copper al-ereconmended. Bluish \tnin\ on thcw materials art caused by overheating and cannot be ~remo\,cd.
Control Knobs
Control knobs are r-emovablc. With ~hccontrol\ 111the OFF position. pull each knob straight off the shaft. Clean the control panel with ;I hot. sud\!, cloth; then dr), Be jure to uring excess u’ater from the cloth bcforc wiping the panel. especrally u hen wiping around contr-olj. Exce\\ \vater in or around the controls may cause damage to the appliance.
To /-r/jl~/t C. lint LIPthe flat bides of both the hnob and the shaft. Then push the knob into plscc.