Thedivider betweenthe two compartmentsis warm
Check if ...
The condenser corls are drrtv or cloqaed.
The motor has quit working.
Temneratureistoo warm
Check if ...
The air vents are blocked in either compartment. This prevents the movement of cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator.
The door(s) are opened often.
A large amount of food has just been added to the refrigerator or freezer.
The controls are not set correctly for the surrounding conditions.
Then ...
Clean accordina to the “Cleanina vour refriaerator” section.
See “Your refrigerator will not operate” earlier in this section.
NOTE: The refrigerator temperature may turn from warm to hot.
If not due to any of above, the warmth is probably due to normal operation of the automatic exterior moisture control. If still concerned, call the Consumer Assistance Center.
Then ...
Remove any objects from in front of the air vents. Refer to “Ensuring proper air circulation” for the location of air vents.
Be aware that the refrigerator will warm when this occurs, In order to keep the refrigerator cool, try to get everything you need out of the refrigerator at once, keep food organized so it is easy to find, and close the door as soon as the food is removed.
Adding a large amount of food warms the refrigerator.
It can take several hours for the refrigerator to return to the normal temperature.
Refer to the “How the controls work” section.
3xre is interior moisturebuild-up
Check if ...
The air vents are blocked in the refrigerator.
The door is opened often.
The room is humid.
Then ...
Remove any objects from in front of the air vents. Refer to “Ensurino orooer air circulation” for the location of air vents
To avoid humidity
It is normal for moisture to build up inside the refrigerator when the room air is humid.