Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual D-2

Real Time Event

Use the serial command rTe to specify an action that is initiated at a particular time or based
on an external stimulus.
For General Purpose IO “G”
Parameter name Value
P1 rTe type G (real Time i/O event)
P2 i/O bit 1-7
P3 Pin state
(1 Character)
H = High
l = low
“lHXXXHl” Combine multiple inputs and trigger occurs
when all conditions are met
P4 Commands any valid serial protocol command for the device
example 2. Projector powers up when a switch on the external device is turned on.
(GIO C2 I) Set pin #2 conguration as input
(RTE G 2 H “(PWR 1)”) Power on when pin #2 set to high
(RTE G 2 L “(PWR 0)”) Power off when pin #2 set to low